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‎Youth SSUMC Logo

C H I L D R E N   +  Y O U T H

Here at St. Stephen's, we offer a variety of opportunities for children, youth, and families to be involved in the life of the church. From Sunday School classes, youth group events, and Messy Church to our Nursery and KUCI Preschool, there is something for everyone of all ages!

Parents' Night Out

Y O U T H   G R O U P

Our youth group gathers twice a month on Sunday afternoons in the Upstairs Loft for fellowship, games, and a brief devotion. Special events are also scheduled throughout the year. Grades 6 - 12 are welcome, and you can always bring a friend. For more information, contact Jo Anderson


Nursery care is available for newborns through age 5 every Sunday morning during all three services. We provide a safe, loving, fun environment for your child. While the children are in the nursery, they learn about the teachings of the Bible through age-appropriate curriculum and Christian materials. When the children reach 5 years of age, they are promoted to our Kids Connection Sunday School. For more information, contact Jo Anderson.


Every summer, St. Stephen's offers kids a unique themed Vacation Bible School experience. Filled with games, crafts, songs, lessons, and more, kids and their friends are sure to have an enjoyable and interactive time. Interested in registering a child or signing up to be one of our awesome volunteers or counselors? Contact Jo Anderson for more informaiton!

S U N D A Y   S C H O O L

During the 9:30 hour on Sundays, we offer Sunday School classes for children and youth, in grades K-12. Classes meet in the following groups: Children's classes grades K-2 and 3-5, Mid-High grades 6-8, and Senior High grades 9-12. For more information on Kids Connection, contact Jo Anderson.

P A R E N T S '  N I G H T  O U T

Parents' Night Out is a monthly event held on the second Friday of the month from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Parents looking for a night out can register their child for dinner, and an evening of games, crafts, and Bible lessons allowing parents a relaxing time away. Available for ages 3-10 but we welcome siblings who may be younger or older to join us. Fee: $10/child or a family maximum of $25. For more information about Parent’s Night Out, contact Jo Anderson. 

K U C I   P R E S C H O O L

Kids Under Construction Inc., Preschool is housed within St. Stephen's; a Christian preschool committed to providing developmentally appropriate, Biblically-based, programs in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment. KUCI provides exceptional child care and early childhood education for children ages two to five years old. KUCI is fully accredited through the Association of Christian Schools International, has a five-star license with the state, and is regulated by the Early Childhood Education & Care Department. For more information, visit their website or contact Karen Shields.

KUCI Preschool

  C H I L D R E N   +   Y O U T H  

Anderson, Jo Lynne.jpeg

J o   A n d e r s o n

D I R E C T O R   O F   C H I L D R E N   +   Y O U T H   

“Children’s Ministry allows families to pass their faith on to the next generation. It offers children and their families an opportunity to share experiences through programs such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Parents' Night Out, and Foothill Family Fun. Working in Children’s Ministry is a great avenue to connect children to Jesus and His Story.” 

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